FreeRTOS library not working in stm32f407

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FreeRTOS library not working in stm32f407

Post by mardana »

I have a problem when running FreeRTOS. I am using the STM32F407 VGT06 microcontroller to run FreeRTOS on the Arduino IDE, so I am using a library #include <STM32FreeRTOS.h>. The issue is, when I use the latest version of the library, the tasks in FreeRTOS do not run, but if I use an older version (9.0.4), the tasks in FreeRTOS work. Yesterday, I used the STM32F407 VGT06 microcontroller with a board from DevEBox that my friend bought in the late 2010s. Strangely, FreeRTOS with the latest version (10.3.2) ran smoothly. However, when I bought the STM32F407 VGT06 microcontroller with a board that is not from DevEBox yesterday because the previous microcontroller was damaged, that's where the problem arose. The newly purchased microcontroller cannot run the latest version of FreeRTOS (10.3.2), only the older version (9.0.4) works. I don't understand what needs to be done. Do I need to configure the library used or adjust something on the new microcontroller or update the new microcontroller?

The reason I want to use this new library is that when using the old library, the Hexapod robot I run often stays still and doesn't move, I don't know why this can happen. Even though I didn't change the program code, and it never happened on the previous microcontroller (the damaged microcontroller).

This is the GitHub link to the library I'm using.

The purchase link and specification for the new STM32f4. ... XCsaUiAAAA
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Re: FreeRTOS library not working in stm32f407

Post by fpiSTM »

Your best bet is to debug to see where it fails.
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