Has anyone used rbm78bln's STM32duino bootloader, https://github.com/rbm78bln/STM32duino- ... -blackpill on a STM32F401RCT6 MCU ?
As the bootloader is aimed to support STM32F401xE, what configuration settings in the source code do I need to change to get it working on a STM32F401RCT6 MCU ?
I don't have an account on github, so if any kind soul can answer this or can forward my query to rbm78bln (Ralf M),
I will be most appreiciated.
Thanks in advance.
Many thanks.
rbm78bln's STM32duino bootloader for STM32F401RCT6
Re: rbm78bln's STM32duino bootloader for STM32F401RCT6
122 read but no one kind soul reply ?

122 read but no one kind soul reply ?

Re: rbm78bln's STM32duino bootloader for STM32F401RCT6
Never used, sorry.
Your best bet is to create a GH account and ask in the dedicated repo.
Your best bet is to create a GH account and ask in the dedicated repo.
Re: rbm78bln's STM32duino bootloader for STM32F401RCT6
How does one send mail/message within github ?