I'm new to using STM32, I'm both new and old to embedded system, Cut my teeth in college on 6800 and 80186 processors, Then travelled a different path, and have only just gotten back into embedded system with Arduino.
My first SMT32 project (still ongoing) was to move 2 6x7 matrix keypads I had made running on 2 x AVR Leonardo's to a single SMT32F103 (blue pill clone) The Blue pill has enough pins to run the 2 Matrix keyboard and still have some spare GPIO’s

There was some +/- moving to STM32, I’m only using 1 controller to run both keyboards and using the STM32 is not preventing my PC from going to sleep like the Leonardo’s do.
But I had to swap from the HID-Project library back to the standard keyboard library. Which means I lose the Surface Dial and Consumer emulations.
Also had to change from the FastLED to neopixel library , not sure if that's a + or -

Well that's enough for now