CDC bootloader ported for F303CC

developed for generic STM32F1 (bluepill) device by stevestrong
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CDC bootloader ported for F303CC

Post by stevestrong »

The CDC bootloader for F1 has been ported for F3x3C family.

The common project (shared with F1) including binaries can be found here:

The bootloader size for F3 has grown to more than 4kB so it reserves now the lowest 3 pages of EEPROM (6kB).
But even so, the remaining 250kB offer more than enough space for user app.

Meanwhile the CDC flasher has been upgraded from script based project to a windows executable developed on Eclipse + MinGW.
The CDC flasher has been adapted to the Arduino environment, so it is possible to upload user program with Arduino.

Next step:
- port the CDC bootloader for F4 family.
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Re: CDC bootloader ported for F303CC

Post by fpiSTM »

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