BootLoader for STM32F103ZET6

Read firmware from sdcard and write to internal flash
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BootLoader for STM32F103ZET6

Post by jacobli »

Please tell me, I recently got a STM32F103ZET6, I have a project that needs to be completed by using STM32F103ZET6 with LCD, if I want to program with Arduino, I should download it from

Which BootLoader should I download from?

Or is there any other way to make this module programmable under Arduino?
by ag123 » Mon Jul 12, 2021 5:23 am
the bootloader in roger's repository is based on stm32f103c{8,b} on the old bluepills and maple mini, there is a chance they'd work on stm32f103ze, no guarantee though. but otherwise there is source codes in the same repository which can be used to attempt a recompile from source.
it is actually derived from the maple bootloader

then a few posts down there is a sd boot loader, in the same way i'd think it would be necessary to bulid from source for a different board.

otherwise for stm32f103ze boards a good way is to use either uart1 or jtag/swd (st-link v2) dongle for the programming.
the benefit for using this is that this is the on-chip built in programming means, which means u'd not need another 'boot loader' just to update firmware.
you can use the full flash memory and sram and there is less complications from tweaking ldscripts selecting 'download method' etc.
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Re: BootLoader for STM32F103ZET6

Post by ag123 »

the 'easiest' way to make a boot loader is to use a usb-uart dongle and connect to uart1
u'd also need to toggle boot0 and reset pins, that can be done using the unused DTR and RTS signals

for any other way it'd take some effort to develop the code. but you could check e.g. github for existing implementations.
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Re: BootLoader for STM32F103ZET6

Post by jacobli »

Thank you for your patient response! I will be more prepared.
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Re: BootLoader for STM32F103ZET6

Post by ag123 »

the bootloader in roger's repository is based on stm32f103c{8,b} on the old bluepills and maple mini, there is a chance they'd work on stm32f103ze, no guarantee though. but otherwise there is source codes in the same repository which can be used to attempt a recompile from source.
it is actually derived from the maple bootloader

then a few posts down there is a sd boot loader, in the same way i'd think it would be necessary to bulid from source for a different board.

otherwise for stm32f103ze boards a good way is to use either uart1 or jtag/swd (st-link v2) dongle for the programming.
the benefit for using this is that this is the on-chip built in programming means, which means u'd not need another 'boot loader' just to update firmware.
you can use the full flash memory and sram and there is less complications from tweaking ldscripts selecting 'download method' etc.
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Re: BootLoader for STM32F103ZET6

Post by jacobli »

Thank you so much, you're a very kind person! When I have questions I will come back and bother again. :D
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