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Otter2016 in southwestern Ohio

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2021 6:23 pm
by otter2016
Hi everyone,

I have been experimenting with Arduino for the past several years. At first I was just doing simple things with the Nano, but I then found the 'blue pill' board (STM32F103) and once I figured how to work with it, I began to do more and more things.

That lasted for about 6-8 months and I discovered the BlackPill family of STM32F401 and STM32F411, at the time they weren't too far away from the 103 boards in price by much, but they were certainly easier to work with. (My nemesis with the 103 was clobbering the bootstrap <sigh>).

Since then I have been doing things with that family of boards and have gotten to the point where I have some proficiency with them.

I've graduated through flashers, temperatur sensors, OLED displays, test stands, real time clocks, and on and on. I've noodled around with automating my back yard shed which has solar power, and other little projects.

I did take a little side trip on ESP32's, but since I rarely rely on Internet or Bluetooth, I feel I have a lot more control over the platform with the STM devices.
