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Seeking G431 CAN example

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2022 9:06 pm
by PeteS
Hello, after several days of searching various forums I figured it was time to ask for some help. I am looking for a working example of how to use CAN bus with the stm32duino(official) core in the Arduino IDE. I have found a number of examples on Github that have looked like they "should" work and some of them even claim to work yet they always fail to compile without explanation in Arduino. I understand Arduino's compiler errors are very generic but they usually provide at least some indication of where the issues lies but in the case with a couple of examples it simply exits the compiler and will say something like compiler error 1.

I have tried several different versions of the stm32duino core since I have noticed in the past that things break from time to time but I have not been able to find a core any of the samples I found would compiled for. I do not have anywhere near the understanding or knowledge to attempt to implement the underlying code required to make CAN work myself so I'm hoping that maybe someone has a working example that is just reading a frame and then sending a frame back.

I am only working with CAN at 1mbps so I'm not concerned with CAN FD frames if they makes this any easier.