oops, I'm so blindmassonal wrote: Thu Aug 18, 2022 1:42 pm How about https://github.com/massonal/Arduino_Cor ... wiki/Setup ? or https://github.com/massonal/Arduino_Cor ... tart-guide ? Are you suggesting these get merged? (given that the latter links to the former)

those are more than adequate
a little though I'm wondering if the ordering could be different if say they titles start with numbers or ordered letters. it seemed to be in alphabetical order.
that could perhaps put the quick start, setup items closer to the top in the menu.
off topic:
as I worked mostly(almost all the time) in linux. hopefully, someone working in windows could try it out and leave their notes say here.
as the system environment is certainly different. Some thoughts are about those 'unix' style shell commands quite commonly used in makefiles, which I'd hope CMake has taken care of that and is a non-issue.
I think efforts like these could be actually used in various open sourced projects at some point further down. e.g. like marlin firmware etc
those projects integrate various "duino" cores and these efforts could make things considerably easier to integrate.
we are living in times where open sourced projects some of them become so widely used. e.g. marlin firmware (and derivatives) today drives many 3d printers. as like the slicers notably cura, slic3r, prusa-slicer (based on slic3r) etc.
they have created an "industry" which is literally "3d printing", the landscape would have been very different without these open sourced applications and firmware.