Taking a look at STM32G0 series

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Taking a look at STM32G0 series

Post by ag123 »

I've been stubbornly playing with stm32Fxx series as I got most of the boards from AliX :lol:

out of curiosity, I took a look at stm32g030f6
https://www.st.com/resource/en/datashee ... g030f6.pdf

and its marketing presentation here
https://www.st.com/resource/en/product_ ... g_pres.pdf

making a comparison with the 'old' stm32f030f4 series
https://www.st.com/resource/en/datashee ... f030f4.pdf

some of the rather apparent differences are the pinouts have apparently changed
stm32f030f4 pinout
stm32f030f4 pinout
stm32f0pin.png (23.52 KiB) Viewed 36413 times
stm32g030f6 pinout
stm32g030f6 pinout
stm32g0pin.png (40.08 KiB) Viewed 36413 times
it is quite interesting that boot0 has been folded in and shared with pin pa14 on g0 while on the fxx series it is mostly standalone.

then another thing that looks quite interesting for the g030 chip seemed to be that the ADC on the g0 goes to 2.5Msps at 12bits and close to 4.38 Msps at 6 bits, this is quite an upgrade from the f030f4 1Msps

other things that seemed different seemed to be that the clock tree may have changed to one that is closer to that on the f4xx using those m,n,p,q,r pll multipliers and divisors. This is probably significantly more flexible compared to the 'old' f030f4
there are probably more differences, I'm only checking out a 'small' chip in the series and have not yet reviewed others.

a question to those who have worked with the g series mcus, do the codes written for the f series still compile 'out of the box' and works? any particular notes?
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Re: Taking a look at STM32G0 series

Post by dannyf »

doesn't seem to be that different from f0 - more gpio pins.
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Re: Taking a look at STM32G0 series

Post by ag123 »

well, ADC has improved quite a bit 2.5 msps at 12 bits and nearly 4.38 msps at 6 bits, this is likely useful for some applications e.g. oscilloscopes.
of course stm32g4 would likely be better but I've not gone there to look at it yet.

clock tree has changed to that more in line with the f4 M,N,P, Q. R PLL multipliers. This would make things more flexible vs f0.
and the way that gpio are remapped. I'd think the gpio/afio remapping are also different, but I've not dug deeper yet.

there are quite a few of those 'pill boards' floating around with these new g030xx chips on AliX
I'd guess it is a reason we start to find 'newbies' here who get a board and wants to run stm32duino on it.
quite a challenge to fit an 'elephant' in so little sram 8k and flash 32k :lol:
either way I ordered 2 pieces of the c8t6 boards and would likely try it out.
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Re: Taking a look at STM32G0 series

Post by dannyf »

still on CoIDE/MDK4 so no go yet.
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Re: Taking a look at STM32G0 series

Post by dannyf »

The clock module is indeed quite interesting. How fast does Fvco run? If in the 200 to 400mhz range it would be quite interesting.

Are bare chips available now? Shouldn't be too hard to solder ssop chips. Doesn't seem that challenging to get it going.
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Re: Taking a look at STM32G0 series

Post by ag123 »

what seemed to be floating most around AliX are the stm32g030f6 the 20 pin 8k ram 32k flash chips
https://www.st.com/en/microcontrollers- ... 030f6.html

i've been thinking about simply buying the stm32g030f6 chips, and soldering them on 20 pin 'sop/tsop adapter' boards
https://www.aliexpress.com/w/wholesale- ... apter.html

however, i've not yet tried my hand doing this & I'm not too sure how feasible is that, though it seemed rather feasible.
at the moment i ordered 2 pre-made boards as like those stm32f1xx ones.
they literally cost a premium even compared vs the stm32f103 'blue pill' boards.

Hence, i'd guess to go in bulk say like 10-20 boards, the more "cost effective" way is probably to hand solder it.
I'm also thinking why not make a board instead order them have them cut to size and I can put a 32k crystal and buttons and leds on it.
In the same way i've been procrastinating and not sure if to go ahead, but it is probably a good thing to learn.
oops, i noticed a quirk g030f6 actually didn't have hse (e.g. 8mhz) pin, unlike f030f4
i got too curious went ahead ordered 10 pieces g030f6 and ssop adapter boards.
my guess is i'd just solder it and patch it on a breadboard to try it out.
Last edited by ag123 on Thu Feb 09, 2023 9:14 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Taking a look at STM32G0 series

Post by ag123 »

another thing is as in the G0, many different gpio pins are folded into single pins. hence, i'd guess the afio mapping and gpio mapping are also different say from the fxx series. it would seem that at any one time only one single gpio/afio can be configured on those pins.
But that it seemed more flexible in the sense that afio (e.g. spi, uart, i2c, etc) that is otherwise inaccessible can be mapped on the shared pins.
This could make possible things that may not be possible on the 'old' f030f4 in the same footprint
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Re: Taking a look at STM32G0 series

Post by ag123 »

this g030f6 'isn't enough to make a keyboard' as it lacks usb.
it seemed having usb would mean going up to at least a g0b0
https://www.st.com/en/microcontrollers- ... 0b0ce.html

i looked a little at bit banging usb
however, it seemed this is going to be a pretty big challenge, at least given the small amount of ram and flash, let alone the speed limits of trying to do that.

there is also the G030x1 series - which has pretty much the whole suite of peripherals including usb
https://www.st.com/en/microcontrollers- ... eries.html
https://www.st.com/content/st_com/en/pr ... l#overview
https://www.st.com/en/microcontrollers- ... ec-nav-tab
these might become the 'new blue pills'
Last edited by ag123 on Fri Feb 10, 2023 6:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Taking a look at STM32G0 series

Post by dannyf »

How fast does Fvco run?
to 344Mhz apparently on G0.
soldering them on 20 pin 'sop/tsop adapter' boards
I have done that for the F0 and other chips. No problem.
many different gpio pins are folded into single pins.
the PIC24s have some of the most amazing remappable pins. W801 isn't bad either. shouldn't be a problem.
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Re: Taking a look at STM32G0 series

Post by ag123 »

i started studying the pin mapping for the stm32g030f6 a little more
https://www.st.com/resource/en/datashee ... g030f6.pdf
https://www.st.com/resource/en/referenc ... ronics.pdf

in the specs sheets under pin assignments, p34
For the device in SO8N package, the PA0, PA1, and PA2 GPIOs are bonded with NRST on the pin 4. In order not to
interfere with device functions, they must not be set in alternate function or in output but remain at all times in input
this means that PA0, PA1,PA2 can only be used as inputs (not output or AFIO)

i took a closer look at the shared pins which multiple gpio are on the same pin. initially, i thought they are multiplexed.
i think it actually literally means that they are shared. i.e. those paxx shared pins need to be configured as input if they are not used.
there is a rather large AF port mapping groups AF0-AF7
specs sheet table 13, table 14 (after the main pinout section) p35, p36
apparently each AF group can be configured once for each port, but are separate between the 1st 8 paxx(0-7) and the next 8 paxx (8-15)
ref manual
6.4.9 GPIO alternate function low register (GPIOx_AFRL)
(x = A to F), pin 0-7 p186
6.4.10 GPIO alternate function high register (GPIOx_AFRH)
(x = A to F) pin 8-15 p187

it'd take a little time to figure out what can be mapped at any one time on the shared and dedicated paxx pins
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