out of curiosity, I took a look at stm32g030f6
https://www.st.com/resource/en/datashee ... g030f6.pdf
and its marketing presentation here
https://www.st.com/resource/en/product_ ... g_pres.pdf
making a comparison with the 'old' stm32f030f4 series
https://www.st.com/resource/en/datashee ... f030f4.pdf
some of the rather apparent differences are the pinouts have apparently changed it is quite interesting that boot0 has been folded in and shared with pin pa14 on g0 while on the fxx series it is mostly standalone.
then another thing that looks quite interesting for the g030 chip seemed to be that the ADC on the g0 goes to 2.5Msps at 12bits and close to 4.38 Msps at 6 bits, this is quite an upgrade from the f030f4 1Msps
other things that seemed different seemed to be that the clock tree may have changed to one that is closer to that on the f4xx using those m,n,p,q,r pll multipliers and divisors. This is probably significantly more flexible compared to the 'old' f030f4
there are probably more differences, I'm only checking out a 'small' chip in the series and have not yet reviewed others.
a question to those who have worked with the g series mcus, do the codes written for the f series still compile 'out of the box' and works? any particular notes?