displaying register value on monitor (arduino style debuging)

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displaying register value on monitor (arduino style debuging)

Post by trimarco232 »

Hi all,
I am trying to spy the actual value (setting) of some registers of some peripherals
this generally works , but I have a problem with USART2->CR1 : it always says value is "0" , but this is not possible , as USART2 is currently working
is there an other way to designate USART2->CR1 , in ordre to read the right value ?
tis is the code ; USART2 is outputed to a logical analyser , so I see it works ; MCU is generic STM32G431CBUx

Code: Select all

HardwareSerial Serial2(PA3, PA2);  /// USART2
uint64_t millis_duration = 100, millis_begin;
void setup() {
  Serial.begin(115200); // USB to monitor
  Serial2.begin(250000);  // PA2 USART2 Tx
void loop() {
  if (millis() - millis_begin > millis_duration) {  // debug uart
    millis_begin += millis_duration;
    Serial.println(USART2->CR1, BIN);  /// debug to monitor
    Serial2.write(USART2->CR1); /// confirms USART2 is working , confirms read CR1 value is false
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