Building STM core/sketches with cmake

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Building STM core/sketches with cmake

Post by ag123 »

The relevant links / pages:
viewtopic.php?t=1648 ... ... esentation

there are some prerequisites to install, most important CMake, python (and some python modules), ninja ... wiki/Setup

after prerequisites are installed, is to run the quick start script from the *parent* (above sketch) folder of the sketch to generate a CMakeList.txt file in the sketch folder ... art-script
e.g. where [ARDUINO_CORE_STM32_FOLDER] is where you git clone the Arduino_Core_STM32 repo

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python3 [ARDUINO_CORE_STM32_FOLDER]/cmake/scripts/ --board BLACKPILL_F401CC --sketch sketch_folder
edit the generated CMakeList.txt file in the sketch folder to see that all your sketch sources are listed under the build_sketch() section.

then the build steps are, make a directory e.g. build (this is for CMake to generate it's work scripts / files and build, the bin file is found there after the build) ... sing-cmake

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cmake -S [source folder] -B [build folder] -G Ninja
then to actually compile it is

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cmake --build [build folder]
There is quite a bit of convenience to use Cmake with eclipse, Eclipse CDT has features that support Cmake. And without any custom add-on in eclipse, i.e. CDT is adequate. And that Cmake is (far) more fluid vs Arduino IDE which pre-defines files in certain locations (it is a good and bad thing).

CMake is a built tool and it doesn't require an IDE. The use of an IDE is optional with this.
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Re: Building STM core/sketches with cmake

Post by fpiSTM »

Note than a CMake projec tcan be loaded with STM32CubeIDE.
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