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Nucleo64 vs Arduino

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2020 10:06 pm
by mebab
Hi. I have an OV2640 camera and LoRa shield (Ra-02) connected to an Arduino. They work fine either alone or together. When I connect those shields to the same pins on Nucleo 64, it cannot initiate LoRa! However, it can work with either one of them alone. It means Arduino+LoRa is ok and Arduino+Camera is also ok. it looks like there is a conflict between LoRa and Camera that I cannot figure out!
Pins A4, A5 are connected to SDA and SCL of both LoRa and Camera.
According to Datasheet, SB51 and SB56 must be OFF to connect I2C on A4 (pin 5) and A5 (pin 6 of CN8). I did so with no success. Meanwhile, LoRa and Camera get different chip select pins.
Is there anything else to be considered since I use the same pin names in STM32 as Arduino while I use Arduino IDE?

I appreciate any help!

Re: Nucleo64 vs Arduino

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 10:27 am
by fpiSTM
Hi @mebab
Hard to tell what is wrong.
You should check pin mapping and if both library does not disable interrupt or something like that which lead to a deadlock