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Some General Info - New user

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2020 2:06 pm
by Docara
Hello everyone, just joined!

Just a little background-
I am currently trying to design and choose a MCU's for a narrow boat project in the UK, trouble is I really struggle with programming. I can just about deal with the annoying ArduinoIDE and C is driving me nuts trying to learn it. Therefore, I will have to use a package which holds my hands and does 'stuff' for me - currently I use Flowcode for my PIC and AVR projects which fulfils my requirements (up till now).
I do not require massive computing power but low power, and good interrupt options, Touch and Comms.

I came across a Youtube post concerning the BluePills and they seem to fit my needs perfectly, with the exception of having CANBus. However I am concerned about the fakes etc of these devices.
I would like some general advice on STM32's, programming infrastructure / toolchain. The STM site is very confusing, spread out and hard to get concise information.


What is the situation concerning using the Arduino IDE as a development platform - there seems to be a number out there what's the difference? Dan Brown, Rogers (here) STMduino.

If haven't downloaded CUBE MX yet how does it compare with, say, Atmel Studio. Can it import libraries / Arduino libraries etc

Would using the ArduinoIDE for development impact on the functionality of theses devices. I am assuming faster clocks and bigger Mems offset things massively.

I read here that there seems to be a multitude of Bootloader options going on with them being made a by STM then code being copied over during bootup (or something) please explain.

The only reason I mention ArduinoIDE is that I have limited experience of it and it does seem to be the easiest to begin with whilst staring out any other options would be gratefully received


Re: Some General Info - New user

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2020 2:34 am
by dannyf
it is difficult to say whether the stm32duino or the typical arduino or even a barebone avr is the right thing for you if your issues are with programming. the beauty of something like the arduino is that it gets a beginner up and running quickly. you can think of it as the BASIC of mcu programming.

personally I find the arduino ide difficult to navigate, hard to work on a typical project -> a typical project for me often involves 10 or 20 or so files as i re-use my code extensively.

the stm32duino offers considerably more power / features than the arduino but it is also considerably more complex. you also don't have the benefit of a debugger...

if your interest is in embedded programming, i would invest in a simpler but more challenging C environment.

if your interest is in getting something going, i would learn a little bit on the arduino ide while exploring other options -> I use slime text myself.

Re: Some General Info - New user

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2020 8:51 am
by stevestrong
Arduino IDE is great if you do not want to dig deep into the build process.
I usually use free editors to edit code (ex. Notepad++) and then use Arduino IDE (with the option "Use external editor") just to build the app, or use Eclipse (Sloeber) as a complete development environment.

Re: Some General Info - New user

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2020 3:38 pm
by mrburnette
Docara wrote: Wed Aug 05, 2020 2:06 pm ...
I am currently trying to design and choose a MCU's for a narrow boat project in the UK, trouble is I really struggle with programming. I can just about deal with the annoying ArduinoIDE and C is driving me nuts trying to learn it. Therefore, I will have to use a package which holds my hands and does 'stuff' for me - currently I use Flowcode for my PIC and AVR projects which fulfils my requirements (up till now).
I do not require massive computing power but low power, and good interrupt options, Touch and Comms.

Before moving forward with Blue Pill, you really should document what about ArduinoIDE is driving you crazy; is it "C" syntax or the "IDE". If you have successfully worked on PIC & AVR chips, so, ARM is just another microcontroller technology.
flowcontrol.jpg (25.54 KiB) Viewed 4889 times
Flowcode gives you the "C", so the transition from visual to C should be an easy transition... just a paradigm shift.

ArduinoIDE is deceptively simple: most novice programmers go wrong because their introduction is via YouTube and that fries their brains with useless methodology. Rather, one simply needs to envision a program in Arduino as a 5-step process:

1. Identify required libraries you will utilize,
2. Declare global variables to share
3. Put initialization(s) in the setup() area between braces { }
4. Put user defined requirements and function calls in loop() section between { }
5. Write functions in a logical manner and put them in IDE tabs logically grouped

Engine Monitor.jpg
Engine Monitor.jpg (45.73 KiB) Viewed 4889 times
Section #1

Code: Select all

#include "./AnalogAverage.h"        // Matrix summations
#include "./BATTERY.h"              // Voltage and Current
#include "./THERMOCOUPLE.h"         // Exhaust Gas temps left and right
#include "./ENGINE.h"               // Coolent temp, Front cyl temp, Rear cyl temp, oil temp, oil pressure
#include "./FUEL.h"                   // Fuel tank level
Section #2

Code: Select all

// Type Variable Declarations for the main sketch tab
float temp        =  0.00;
Section #3

Code: Select all

void setup() {
  // analogReference(EXTERNAL) ;    // A precision 5.00 Volt source OR other precision source
  analogReference(DEFAULT) ; 
  Serial.println() ;
  // pins defined in THERMOCOUPLE.h
  pinMode(addr_0, OUTPUT); pinMode(addr_1, OUTPUT); pinMode(addr_2, OUTPUT); pinMode(addr_3, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(addr_0, LOW); digitalWrite(addr_1, LOW); digitalWrite(addr_2, LOW); digitalWrite(addr_3, LOW); 
Section #4

Code: Select all

void loop() {
    analog_0();           // A0  Water temperature
    analog_1();           // A1  Oil temperature
    analog_2();           // A2  Oil Pressure
    analog_10();          // A10 Amps measured
    analog_12();          // A12 Battery voltage measured        
    analog_15();          // A15 Fuel pressure

    thermo_0();           //     Exhaust Gas left
    thermo_1();           // To be determined   ... un-comment function in JSON tab
    thermo_2();           // To be determined
    thermo_3();           // To be determined
    thermo_4();           // To be determined
    thermo_5();           // To be determined
    thermo_6();           // To be determined
    thermo_7();           // To be determined
    thermo_8();           // To be determined
    thermo_9();           // To be determined
    thermo_10();          // To be determined
    thermo_11();          // To be determined
/*  thermo_12();           // To be determined
    thermo_13();           // To be determined
    thermo_14();           // To be determined
    thermo_15();           // To be determined
Section #5 Now, we write matching code for functions in the tabs, grouping if we desire. Because I often publish my silly little projects, I choose to "encapsulate" libraries within my code to make it easier for readers to get a project downloaded and working.

Example Tab: JSON

Code: Select all

/* Faux JSON file format!topic/node-red/pvY36rlRUdI */

void analog_0(void) {
  float temp = EngineCoolantTemp();
  Serial.print("{\"H2O_Tmp\":"); Serial.print(temp);  Serial.print (",");

void analog_1(void) {                                   /* Oil temperature */
  float temp  = float(EngOilTemp() );
  Serial.print ("\"Oil_Tmp\":"); Serial.print(temp);  Serial.print(",");

void analog_2(void) {                                   /* Engine Oil Pressure */
  float temp = float (EngineOilPres());
  Serial.print("\"Oil_Prs\":"); Serial.print(temp);  Serial.print(",");

void analog_10(void) {                                  /* Amps measured */
  float temp = float (BatteryAmps());
  Serial.print("\"Current\":"); Serial.print(temp);  Serial.print(",");

void analog_12(void) {                                   /* Battery voltage measured */
  float temp = float (BatteryVoltage());
  Serial.print("\"Voltage\":"); Serial.print(temp);  Serial.print(",");
void analog_15(void) {                                   /* Gasoline fuel pressure */
  float temp = fuelPressure();                                        /* fuel pressure is a fp math function */
  Serial.print("\"Gas_Prs\":"); Serial.print(temp);  Serial.print(",");

void thermo_0(void) {                                  /* Exhaust Gas left */
  int temp  = float (thermocouple_channel( 0));
  Serial.print("\"EGT_1\":"); Serial.print(temp);  Serial.print(",");

void thermo_1(void) {
  int temp  = float (thermocouple_channel( 1));
  Serial.print("\"EGT_2\":"); Serial.print(temp);  Serial.print(",");

void thermo_2(void) {
  int temp  = float (thermocouple_channel( 2));
  Serial.print("\"EGT_3\":"); Serial.print(temp);  Serial.print(",");

void thermo_3(void) {
  int temp  = float (thermocouple_channel( 3));
  Serial.print("\"EGT_4\":"); Serial.print(temp);  Serial.print(",");

void thermo_4(void) {
  int temp  = float (thermocouple_channel( 4));
  Serial.print("\"EGT_5\":"); Serial.print(temp);  Serial.print(",");

void thermo_5(void) {
  int temp  = float (thermocouple_channel( 5));
  Serial.print("\"EGT_6\":"); Serial.print(temp);  Serial.print(",");

void thermo_6(void) {
  int temp  = float (thermocouple_channel( 6));
  Serial.print("\"EGT_7\":"); Serial.print(temp);  Serial.print(",");

void thermo_7(void) {
  int temp  = float (thermocouple_channel( 7));
  Serial.print("\"EGT_8\":"); Serial.print(temp);  Serial.print(",");

void thermo_8(void) {
  int temp  = float (thermocouple_channel( 8));
  Serial.print("\"EGT_9\":"); Serial.print(temp);  Serial.print(",");

void thermo_9(void) {
  int temp  = float (thermocouple_channel( 9));
  Serial.print("\"EGT_10\":"); Serial.print(temp);  Serial.print(",");

void thermo_10(void) {
  int temp  = float (thermocouple_channel(10));
  Serial.print("\"EGT_11\":"); Serial.print(temp);  Serial.print(",");

void thermo_11(void) {
  int temp  = float (thermocouple_channel(11));
  Serial.print("\"EGT_12\":"); Serial.print(temp);  Serial.print("}\n");

/*void thermo_12(void) {
  float temp  = float (thermocouple_channel(12));
  Serial.print("\"EGT_13\":"); Serial.print(temp);  Serial.print(",");

void thermo_13(void) {
  float temp  = float (thermocouple_channel(13));
  Serial.print("\"EGT_14\":"); Serial.print(temp);  Serial.print(",");

void thermo_14(void) {
  float temp  = float (thermocouple_channel(14));
  Serial.print("\"EGT_15\":"); Serial.print(temp);  Serial.print(",");

void thermo_15(void) {
  float temp  = float (thermocouple_channel(15));
  Serial.print("\"EGT_16\":"); Serial.print(temp);  Serial.print(",");

Code: Select all

#include "./MAX31855.h"              // Local (embedded) library

int thermoDO    = 51;                // SPI Data Out
int thermoCS_1  = 52;                // first EGT thermocouple amp Chip Select
int thermoCLK   = 53;                // common SPI clock to both 31855s
int thermoCS_2  = 50;                // second EGT thermocouple amp Chip Select used in Europa design

int8_t addr_0   = 36;               // 2^0    Addressline 0 going to analog mux
int8_t addr_1   = 34;               // 2^1    Addressline 1 going to analog mux
int8_t addr_2   = 32;               // 2^2    Addressline 2 going to analog mux
int8_t addr_3   = 30;               // 2^3    Addressline 3 going to analog mux

 *  A single MAX31855 chip will be used in conjunction (front-ended) by a 16 channel analog switch. channel_address_ 0-3 will be set HIGH/LOW 
 *  to represent 0 through 15 address.  Then, after settling delay(?) the thermocouple object will be called similarily to below.  Address will
 *  be incremented, allowed to settle, and the thermocouple object called again.  These calls must take place from within tab JSON and a small
 *  function created so it can be called from the main program loop on tab: Engine_Monitor_1.  Each JSON function must print a unique identifier
 *  so that the downstream CodeRed program can select the tag, convert to a numeric and assign a label.
MAX31855 thermocouple_(thermoCLK, thermoCS_2, thermoDO);

// ________________________________________________________________________SPI bus #1

float thermocouple_channel( int mux_address) {
    switch(mux_address) {
      case 0:
        digitalWrite(addr_0, LOW); digitalWrite(addr_1, LOW); digitalWrite(addr_2, LOW); digitalWrite(addr_3, LOW); 
      case 1:
        digitalWrite(addr_0, HIGH); digitalWrite(addr_1, LOW); digitalWrite(addr_2, LOW); digitalWrite(addr_3, LOW); 
      case 2:
        digitalWrite(addr_0, LOW); digitalWrite(addr_1, HIGH); digitalWrite(addr_2, LOW); digitalWrite(addr_3, LOW); 
      case 3:
        digitalWrite(addr_0, HIGH); digitalWrite(addr_1, HIGH); digitalWrite(addr_2, LOW); digitalWrite(addr_3, LOW); 
      case 4:
        digitalWrite(addr_0, LOW); digitalWrite(addr_1, LOW); digitalWrite(addr_2, HIGH); digitalWrite(addr_3, LOW); 
      case 5:
        digitalWrite(addr_0, HIGH); digitalWrite(addr_1, LOW); digitalWrite(addr_2, HIGH); digitalWrite(addr_3, LOW); 
      case 6:
        digitalWrite(addr_0, LOW); digitalWrite(addr_1, HIGH); digitalWrite(addr_2, HIGH); digitalWrite(addr_3, LOW); 
      case 7:
        digitalWrite(addr_0, HIGH); digitalWrite(addr_1, HIGH); digitalWrite(addr_2, HIGH); digitalWrite(addr_3, LOW); 
      case 8:
        digitalWrite(addr_0, LOW); digitalWrite(addr_1, LOW); digitalWrite(addr_2, LOW); digitalWrite(addr_3, HIGH); 
      case 9:
        digitalWrite(addr_0, HIGH); digitalWrite(addr_1, LOW); digitalWrite(addr_2, LOW); digitalWrite(addr_3, HIGH); 
      case 10:
        digitalWrite(addr_0, LOW); digitalWrite(addr_1, HIGH); digitalWrite(addr_2, LOW); digitalWrite(addr_3, HIGH); 
      case 11:
        digitalWrite(addr_0, HIGH); digitalWrite(addr_1, HIGH); digitalWrite(addr_2, LOW); digitalWrite(addr_3, HIGH); 
      case 12:
        digitalWrite(addr_0, LOW); digitalWrite(addr_1, LOW); digitalWrite(addr_2, HIGH); digitalWrite(addr_3, HIGH); 
      case 13:
        digitalWrite(addr_0, HIGH); digitalWrite(addr_1, LOW); digitalWrite(addr_2, HIGH); digitalWrite(addr_3, HIGH); 
      case 14:
        digitalWrite(addr_0, LOW); digitalWrite(addr_1, HIGH); digitalWrite(addr_2, HIGH); digitalWrite(addr_3, HIGH); 
      case 15:
        digitalWrite(addr_0, HIGH); digitalWrite(addr_1, HIGH); digitalWrite(addr_2, HIGH); digitalWrite(addr_3, HIGH); 
     float temp = 0.00;
     double c = thermocouple_.readCelsius();
     if (isnan(c)) {
      // error code here
     } else {
      temp = thermocouple_.readInternal() ;
      temp = thermocouple_.readFarenheit() ;
     return (temp) ;
List of files with extensions:
Filelist.jpg (66.21 KiB) Viewed 4887 times

Arduino handles the ".h/.cpp" and ".ino" differently: ".ino" files are concatenated to the main_sketch".ino" before feeding to the preprocessor. This is done to facilitate automatic function prototyping.

Good luck,
